Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણ ડિવાઇન મિશન

આસો સુદ ૧૩


ભગવાન સંબંધી જે પંચવિષય તેને સેવે તો બુદ્ધિમાં પ્રકાશ થાય છે અને જગત સંબંધી પંચવિષયને સેવે તો બુદ્ધિમાં અંધકાર થઈ જાય છે. (લો. ૬)

Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission

Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission is not a creation of human will or human desire. It is an institution that came into being by Rev. Muktaraj Shri Narayanbhai G. Thakker, under the inspiration of and at the command of Lord Shri Swaminarayan. It is an action put to our faith. This ‘Omni-beneficial’, embracing all faiths, organization has been founded with a view to raising the spiritual level of the seekers and thus help them attain ‘atyantik moksha’ – perfect peace and liberation from the chain of birth and death.


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission Books
Abjibapashri nu Jivancharitra
Amrut Sarita