Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણ ડિવાઇન મિશન

70 Pujya Shri Narayanbhai

70 Pujya Shri Narayanbhai

There are various scriptures on religious and spiritual matters. The essence of these scriptures cannot be understood without the help of an enlightened guru. The biography of an enlightened person too serves as a scripture. All the actions of an Anadi Mukta are performed by the Supreme Lord Himself. The life of an Anadi Mukta conveys spiritual message. He is a living scripture and a moving place of pilgrimage.

We are fortunate we got the opportunity to be in contact with one such Anadi Mukta Pujya Shri Narayanbhai. If we closely observe his any action, it would be found to be in absolute conformity with the principles of Lord Swaminarayan. His every action was for the lesson and benefit of the jivas. The incidents narrated in this book reveal his lofty spiritual state, his supernatural powers, his modesty, and compassion towards all the living-beings. Despite being a teacher and then the principal of a girls school, he successfully observed his vow of not touching a woman– infant, young or old. Right from the childhood he used to remain in meditative mood.

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 22/09/2024

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 22/09/2024

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ સત્યાવીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૮૦, ભાદરવા


Pujya Narayanbhai Pragtya Din nimite Satsang Brahmyagna Dt. 16-02-2024

Pujya Narayanbhai Pragtya Din nimite Satsang Brahmyagna Dt. 16-02-2024

અનાદિ મુક્તરાજ પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ પ્રાગટ્ય દિન નિમિત્તે સત્સંગ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ — સ


અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 03/10/2023

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 03/10/2023

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ છવ્વીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૭૯, ભાદરવા વદ


Shri Narayanbhai Shatabdi Mahotsav Dt. 12-16 Feb. 2023 – Antim Charan

Shri Narayanbhai Shatabdi Mahotsav Dt. 12-16 Feb. 2023 – Antim Charan

અનાદિમુક્ત શ્રી નારાયણભાઈ શતાબ્દી મહોત્સવ (અંતિમ ચરણ) — પોથીયાત્રા — તા. 16-02-2023 રવિ


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission

Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission is not a creation of human will or human desire. It is an institution that came into being by Rev. Muktaraj Shri Narayanbhai G. Thakker, under the inspiration of and at the command of Lord Shri Swaminarayan. It is an action put to our faith. This ‘Omni-beneficial’, embracing all faiths, organization has been founded with a view to raising the spiritual level of the seekers and thus help them attain ‘atyantik moksha’ – perfect peace and liberation from the chain of birth and death.


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission Books
Abjibapashri nu Jivancharitra
Amrut Sarita