When Lord Swaminaryan manifested on this earth, people were trapped in various superstitions, malpractices, ill-customs, pseudo-religious rituals. He enabled people to understand true form of religion and to act accordingly. He not only transformed people into human-beings in true sense but also elevated them to attain brahmic state. He charged people with a sense of spiritual fulfilment.
When God manifests on this earth, all of His actions –his daily routine or social activities- are meant for infusing into us the virtues like seva, bhakti, humanity, compassion etc. When contemplated, they are capable enough to dissolve darkness of ignorance pervading within us and fill divine light.
To study about the various aspects of the life of Lord Swaminarayan is indispensable for every seeker. To provide for, Pujya Shri Narayanbhai himself had prepared this booklet and it had been published in Gujarati. In view of the increasing demand from people of other parts of India, now it is being published in Hindi.
અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ સત્યાવીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૮૦, ભાદરવા
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Read More...અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ છવ્વીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૭૯, ભાદરવા વદ
Read More...અનાદિમુક્ત શ્રી નારાયણભાઈ શતાબ્દી મહોત્સવ (અંતિમ ચરણ) — પોથીયાત્રા — તા. 16-02-2023 રવિ