Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણ ડિવાઇન મિશન

64 Vachanamrut Muktiko

64 Vachanamrut Muktiko

The Vachanamrut! The unfathomable ocean of spiritual knowledge! This principal scripture of Swaminarayan faith is in a collection of 273 discourses delivered by Lord Swaminarayan Himself at various places from 1819 CE to 1829 CE. It is in the form of catechism wherein root questions regarding obstacles in spiritual advancement are answered with practical solutions and striking analogies.

It provides solutions on how to eradicate envy, lust, greed, ego, etc., how to know the form of God, how to please God, how to understand the five basic constituents– in short, from the grossest to the most refined aspects of spirituality have been catechised here.

Each and every topic in it is as valuable for a seeker as a real pearl is to a jewller. From the ocean of these pearls, Pujya Shri Narayanbhai has selected some precious pearls and grouped them subject-wise for the benefit of the hectically scheduled people of present day. The subject-wise grouping of these pearls would help a seeker strengthen his inclination towards a particular spiritual mode viz. dharma, gnan, bhakti, vairagya, atmanishtha, seva etc.

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 22/09/2024

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 22/09/2024

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ સત્યાવીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૮૦, ભાદરવા


Pujya Narayanbhai Pragtya Din nimite Satsang Brahmyagna Dt. 16-02-2024

Pujya Narayanbhai Pragtya Din nimite Satsang Brahmyagna Dt. 16-02-2024

અનાદિ મુક્તરાજ પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ પ્રાગટ્ય દિન નિમિત્તે સત્સંગ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ — સ


અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 03/10/2023

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 03/10/2023

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ છવ્વીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૭૯, ભાદરવા વદ


Shri Narayanbhai Shatabdi Mahotsav Dt. 12-16 Feb. 2023 – Antim Charan

Shri Narayanbhai Shatabdi Mahotsav Dt. 12-16 Feb. 2023 – Antim Charan

અનાદિમુક્ત શ્રી નારાયણભાઈ શતાબ્દી મહોત્સવ (અંતિમ ચરણ) — પોથીયાત્રા — તા. 16-02-2023 રવિ


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission

Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission is not a creation of human will or human desire. It is an institution that came into being by Rev. Muktaraj Shri Narayanbhai G. Thakker, under the inspiration of and at the command of Lord Shri Swaminarayan. It is an action put to our faith. This ‘Omni-beneficial’, embracing all faiths, organization has been founded with a view to raising the spiritual level of the seekers and thus help them attain ‘atyantik moksha’ – perfect peace and liberation from the chain of birth and death.


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission Books
Abjibapashri nu Jivancharitra
Amrut Sarita