Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
શ્રી સ્વામિનારાયણ ડિવાઇન મિશન

62 Vachanamrut Margdarshika : 2

62 Vachanamrut Margdarshika : 2

In order that jivas know His divine form, perform His worship and finally attain His divine bliss, Lord Swaminarayan assumed human form on this earth. To spread the pure and true knowledge about His divine form and various other aspects of spirituality, He specifically discoursed speeches. The compilation of these speeches after due editing by the five great sadgurus like Gopalanand Swami etc. is known as the Vachanamrut. It provides practical and radical solutions to various mysteries and questions of life.

Again, there are many words which either because of not being in use in current language or because of their linguistic complexity or because of their being of spiritual depth or being vulnerable to be misunderstood require explanation by a person having experiential divine knowledge. Pujya Shri Narayanbhai revealed meanings of such words to his attendants and got them compiled. It is now in the form of the present book.

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 22/09/2024

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 22/09/2024

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ સત્યાવીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૮૦, ભાદરવા


Pujya Narayanbhai Pragtya Din nimite Satsang Brahmyagna Dt. 16-02-2024

Pujya Narayanbhai Pragtya Din nimite Satsang Brahmyagna Dt. 16-02-2024

અનાદિ મુક્તરાજ પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ પ્રાગટ્ય દિન નિમિત્તે સત્સંગ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ — સ


અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 03/10/2023

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ તા. 03/10/2023

અ.મુ. પૂજ્યશ્રી નારાયણભાઈ સ્મૃતિ બ્રહ્મયજ્ઞ છવ્વીસમી પુણ્યતિથિ સં. ૨૦૭૯, ભાદરવા વદ


Shri Narayanbhai Shatabdi Mahotsav Dt. 12-16 Feb. 2023 – Antim Charan

Shri Narayanbhai Shatabdi Mahotsav Dt. 12-16 Feb. 2023 – Antim Charan

અનાદિમુક્ત શ્રી નારાયણભાઈ શતાબ્દી મહોત્સવ (અંતિમ ચરણ) — પોથીયાત્રા — તા. 16-02-2023 રવિ


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission

Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission is not a creation of human will or human desire. It is an institution that came into being by Rev. Muktaraj Shri Narayanbhai G. Thakker, under the inspiration of and at the command of Lord Shri Swaminarayan. It is an action put to our faith. This ‘Omni-beneficial’, embracing all faiths, organization has been founded with a view to raising the spiritual level of the seekers and thus help them attain ‘atyantik moksha’ – perfect peace and liberation from the chain of birth and death.


Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission
Shri Swaminarayan Divine Mission Books
Abjibapashri nu Jivancharitra
Amrut Sarita